We have heard from Rainer that the Ski retreat is going really well, with good ski weather and conditions, the Poles making very good progress as beginner ski-ers and everyone getting on really well. The Austrian hosts have already offered to host again next year. Continue to pray for all those on the ski retreat – especially that it will be spiritually significant for them. Jos is in Cameroon  with Gaston and Daniel, and will shortly be moving on to Ghana to spend time with Seth. Continue to pray for the visa situation as detailed in the last PrayerLink. Finally, Liesel, who runs the AFCU Ladies ministry, is trying to get 12 hours of prayer cover for the pray and plan being held on a Thursday and Friday at the end of the month. If you could pray for an hour between 8am-8pm please let me know on prayer@m-m-i.org.uk, and Liesel will send you prayer notes.