Thank you so much for praying for AMCF GI 2014. Our vision is to ‘light the world’ with prayers for the AMCF GI 2014. To help you picture this as you pray today, we suggest you look at the amazing photography of the world from space on this site Truly, our God is an awesome God.  These are our current prayer requests. We have simply written them as one long list divided under different headings. This is because there are many groups who are praying in different ways; some pray monthly, others daily and others weekly. Please feel free to break it down into smaller items so that you can use it to pray either daily or weekly, as suits the needs of your prayer beacon.


1.       There are so many things to give God our praise and thanks for this month. In particular there have been answers to prayer regarding funding, and pledges of support from other Christian organisations and individuals. We also praise God for his wonderful protection; our director had a nasty fall from a ladder last month but mercifully God protected him from serious injuries. 

2.       The vision for the AMCF Global Interaction 2014

a.       Please continue to pray for the development of the AMCF GI 2014 website, that it would be an effective tool for communicating the news of the Global interaction in 2014. Please pray that VPs and Support Organisations will be able to communicate the vision of ‘spiritually transforming the world by MCFs and their members by carrying out the Great Commission in the militaries of the world’ and that MCFs and their members will be inspired to be part of this and the GI in 2014.

b.      Please pray for favour for the AMCF GI 2014 with those in key positions in South Africa.

c.       Please pray for those in key military positions within the SANDF to be blessed and encouraged by the AMCF GI 2014 and for good communication with those individuals. In particular we pray for the SA Chaplaincy department and the Chaplain General.

3.            Team members

a.       Please pray for protection of all the organisers of the AMCF GI 2014. In particular please pray for physical, spiritual, intellectual and psychological health, for their marital relationships and their families. Please ask the Lord for special protection for our conference director and his wife both physically and spiritually, but also over their time, building work and relationships.

b.      Please pray for the continued inspiration and commitment of the whole team; for capacity, ability and finances to perform their necessary tasks and roles.

4.            Volunteers 

We thank God for the wonderful, competent volunteers who have already been recruited. Please pray for the remaining gaps to be filled and for unity and common purpose to form strong foundations for this work. God has also shown us we need to pray now for the right translators. Please pray God will raise up people with the linguistic skills necessary for those attending to fully participate.  

5.           Prayer

a.       Please pray that many people around the world will be inspired to partner with the Holy Spirit in prayer for the AMCF GI 2014. We praise God that there are now 23 prayer beacons established in 15 different countries.

b.      Pray for more beacons to be established and the light of Jesus to be seen globally.

c.        Please pray for protection from all evil for those praying, and that they will be faithful and constant in their prayers

6.            Finances

a.       Please pray for the Lord to provide sufficient funding at just the right time. Currently we are praying for a substantial sum to pay the deposit for the venue. Please pray that God will provide just the right amount for the venue He chooses.

b.      Please also pray for the identification and building of more ministry partnerships to assist in the financial support of achieving the AMF GI 2014 vision; for the opening of doors and hearts (and bank accounts) of churches, foundations and corporations to supply sponsorship funds; for the opening of hearts (and wallets) of individuals to provide scholarships for MCF members attending.

7.            Programme. 

a.       Many decisions need to be made now about the shape and content of the programme and the right speakers. Please pray for the Programme Steering team as they make those decisions.  Please pray that an effective programme will be developed that will deliver the result that God wants us to achieve.

b.      Please pray that the programme will have the right balance of time between main talks/seminars and time for fellowship, prayer and networking.

8.            Warrior Training

Please pray that God would develop a strong team of small group hosts (Warriors ) as well as praying for the ‘warriors’ from South African Warrior Training 2012 to stay excited and committed and for them to inspire others to also commit to become part of the AMCF GI 2014 in this way. Please pray also for the planning of future Warrior Training events.

In particular we ask for prayer cover for a special series of meetings planned for the end of May and early June in South Africa designed to encourage more South Africans to participate on all levels in the AMCG GI 2014 and the Warrior Training. Please pray that the itinerary for that trip would come together with God ordained meetings between the right people and for safety on the road for those involved.



Each month we feature some of the prayer needs from countries in which prayer beacons are based. This month we are featuring Rwanda and Ukraine.


Our contact in Rwanda writes, “Dear friends, Praise the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our prayer requests are:
1. We ask the lord to bring spiritual  revival in our  armed forces so that many soldiers believe in the saving name of Jesus Christ.
2. We ask God to restore AMCF activities in our country. We had only one AMCF conference in 1997 and many soldiers received salvation in that conference, therefore we pray that it shall come again.
3. We need chaplaincy in the Army so as to allow the gospel of our Risen king to be preached openly in the army. May God answer our prayers. Thanks and may God bless you all.”

Our contact in Ukraine asks, “Please pray for me as I will attend at the Chaplaincy conference here in Kiev in May. We have no chaplaincy in the Ukrainian Armed Forces yet. I have to prepare a report for this conference about our MCF and the same time I will represent a Union of Baptist Churches of Ukraine and share about military ministry. We have a Pray &Plan conference on 18 May. At this event we have delegates from local MCF groups from different part of our country. Usually we have 40-60 delegates. So, please pray that many delegates may come this time; that we have a vision for our ministry for the next 6 months (since 2002 we have a P&P each May and December).”


Finally one of our intercessors believes she heard the Lord was asking us to work together in prayer. She pictured a large boat being hauled into a dry dock by many people all pulling on ropes. When the ropes were pulled individually it didn’t matter how hard they were pulled the boat was too heavy to shift. However, when the captain gave direction and everyone pulled together then the boat rolled forward easily on its rollers. Each one of us is like the people at the ends of the lines, as we pray together for the same things under the prompting of our Heavenly Captain it is as if we are all pulling together. Even so, at the moment there are not enough people pulling ropes for the boat to move easily, please pray that the ‘Lord of the harvest’ will send more workers to pray earnestly.


Do let us know if you would like your country’s needs to be featured in a future beacon update or if the Lord gives you any specific direction (such as a scripture or a vision) for the AMCF GI 2014.