Many of you will know how ill Mark Fillingham has been for the last 16 months. Some may have heard already that on Friday 10 September 2010 at about 6.00pm he went to be with the Lord.

We thank God for the life that Mark led as a servant of Christ and as someone whose Christian life and witness impacted more people than we will ever know.

We pray for Anthea and the family (Paul & Rosie and Vanessa & Jamie and the grandchildren Sam & Josh and Emily & Esther) and including Anthea’s father Jack Bergin. Although they have seen this event coming from a distance its impact as Mark is taken from them will be very painful and we pray the comfort of God’s Holy Spirit on them in their grief.

 A service of celebration and thanksgiving has been planned and is anticipated to take place in about 5 weeks time.  More details about this will be published shortly along with details of how to notify attendance.

The family have asked that any gifts in memory of Mark be made to AFCU.

In order to give Anthea and the family space at this time you are asked to restrict messages of condolence to cards/letters or Emails rather than telephone calls.